Let Him Love You - Group Coaching Program

Starting the 17th of January

12:30 EST / 6:30 pm CET / 5:30 pm GMT


9:00 CET / 7pm AEDT / 1:30 pm IST / 12 noon GST

I’m Eva Elly and I’m a trained relationship coach & accredited life coach - specialising in Feminine Energy, Love & Relationships.

If you want to learn the secrets of feminine attraction, the psychology of men, and how to speak from your heart so that he falls in love with you and STAYS in love - you’ve come to the right place.

In the “Let Him Love You” group coaching program, you’ll learn how to embody your True feminine essence and how to USE this to attract your man or the man who’s going to be your Forever Man.

How do I know this works? Well, partially because of the results I’ve seen with the over 100 women I have coached…but mainly because of my own story.

Six years ago I would never have even dreamt of having the kind of relationship I have now with my husband.

Everyday I’m amazed at life’s beauty and my family. So much has changed since I started working on healing my Feminine Energy and return to my True, Feminine Essence: my relationship with myself, my relationship with God, my relationship with men, my relationship with friends!

BUT - it has taken me many years of frustration to get here. I’ve been filled with anxiety, frustration, sadness, anger and more….

I’ve been overworked and underloved. Overwhelmed and stressed. In a constant desperation & survival mode.

I don’t know where you are in your love life right now - but since you’re reading this, there’s a possibility that you know that you deserve MORE than you got right now?

And I don’t want anyone to have to go through all the struggle I did…

Everything that I learned about feminine energy, all the tools that brings peace inside and to the relationship with a man - together with my psychology studies & my own therapy / coaching journey over the past seven years - I’m putting it all together for you in the “Let Him Love You” program, so YOU don’t have to go through the same struggle as I did.

I know that without the True Feminine Essence framework, that I use and practice DAILY - I would still have been stuck in a place where I didn’t belong.

Now, I would love to share my secrets with you…it’s my mission to help as many women I possibly can. I want us all to STOP feeling stuck, to STOP feeling relationship pain, to STOP being anxious and instead embrace the emotional landscape that brings you CLOSER to the right man for you.

I am very confident that I can help - so confident that I can say that if you only apply one or two tools from what I will teach you - you will see magic start to happen, right away!

You can be Confidently Feminine & Let a man love you. The RIGHT man for YOU.

