Three Steps To Change Your Vibe

When we feel down about our relationship or dating situation - whatever reason it may be - it is easy to fall into a downward spiral.

Many women have a tendency to fall into negative thinking and this is completely natural. Sometimes we just get stuck in our beliefs around what love should be like - and that is SO ok. 

On a deep psychological level, our brains are wired to look out for threats, so finding ourselves in these heightened state makes complete sense.

However, sometimes these threats we see are not even real…

We invent things that are not there.

This can be SO damaging to our relationships, if we don’t learn how to immediately turn it around and CHANGE OUR VIBE.

Finding yourself wanting things to be different is a recipe for misery. 

We have our patterns, we have our past experiences and we have our dreams and longings -yes.

When reality does not match or it challenges us to change, it is easy to slip into a state of desperation, rather than a state of calm curiosity.

Yes, we all want things to change - but the truth is that the only thing you CAN change is YOU, and how you react or respond to your reality.

So…what if your current state is just a moment on your journey…? What if the pain or stress you are feeling is just exactly what is needed for you to expand and grow?

What if you are meant for something bigger, than the limiting beliefs, the pain or the struggle?!

When I find myself in a struggle - which I do every now and then, despite the wonderful relationship I am in - I know that there are three main things I need to do, to get back to ME, to my Goddess self.

The part of me that is SOFT, GENTLE, KIND and LOVING.

The part of me that is aligned with happiness and love.

And the three things I need to do are the following:

  1. Return to Feminine Energy (and the whole landscape of love that is in there)

  2. Trust the Universe/God (or whatever you believe in) & the process

  3. Seek Support (from trusted friends and/or my coach)

We can choose to love. We can choose to love ourselves, and our partners even when it feels difficult.

When we choose love, we always win. 

And this is what we work with in the Love Transformation Program - to dive deep into our own feminine energy so that we can transform whatever is not working for us.

To transform part of ourselves to we may grow and expand in love and happiness.

I know that you are meant to be in the most amazing and loving relationship.

We all are!

No-one is meant to be struggling, no-one is meant to be alone (unless the have chosen it of course).

If you feel at all curious on how Feminine energy can help you heal your relationship struggles, find love, maintain love, and simply BE love and be Loved - then please don’t hesitate, book your free call with me now to see how I can help.

Eva Elly